4-H Camp
This year Floyd County 4-H'ers will be camping the week of July 29-August 1, 2025. We will be camping at the JM Feltner 4-H Camp, located in London, Kentucky. Any Floyd County 4-H'er or student in grades 4-8 may attend. 3rd grade graduates may also attend.
A $25.00 deposit is required to register for 4-H Camp. The total cost is $200.00, for the first 75 campers that register. After the first 75 register, the camp fee will go up to $325.00. Checks/Money Orders are to be made payable to the Floyd County 4-H Council. Other paper work will follow.
Applications must be received by July 1, 2025. No refunds will be given after July 1, 2025. To register for camp please click the following link to print your application: 4-H Camp Application
Some scholarship money will be available for 4-H'ers in the county. Scholarship applications can be received after April 1st by calling the Extension Office at (606) 886-2668. If you have siblings who want to go also, please contact the office for discount information.
Jack Friar Memorial Scholarship Fund
We are asking for a small donation to help send 4-H age youth in Floyd County to 4-H Camp this year. The cost for camp is $300.00 this summer. If you would like to sponsor a specific child or would like to make a donation for more than one child, you may. Any donation would be outstanding! If you choose to donate please make your donation made payable to the Jack Friar Memorial Scholarship Fund, it is tax deductible and will be greatly appreciated by the youth enjoying a fun week of 4-H Camp.
Scholarship applications will be available April 1st. To apply for a scholarship please click the following link to print your application: 2025 4-H Camp Scholarship Application